Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sweet Life News!

Hey all wanted to drop a quick note and let you know what’s coming up on The Sweet Life calendar this week. This should be a very exciting week so let’s get right to it!
Join us this Thursday night at 7PM for Lifenites. This weeks dinner……(drum roll please) ……..Pork Chop Sandwiches!!! If you have never attended Lifenites you are missing a great time. These evenings are committed to building relationships; with each other in The Sweet Life and with our heavenly Father as well. Lifenites start out with food and fellowship and end with worship, word, and prayer; and in between we share life, laugh a lot, ask questions and learn more and more about who we are within the body of Christ. If this sounds like fun to you come on out and join us any Thursday night at The Moser’s home; we start at 7PM.
…And speaking of getting started. It’s that time again; time to head on out this Friday night to Mayberry Shazzam, Pilot Mountain’s very own Kart Racing and family amusement facility. The Sweet Life Fellowship will be kicking off the evening of fun, worship, and word at 7pm with motors revving and the heavy smell of racing fuel in the air. So come on out and get ready to burn up the tracks in Pilot Mountain as we take the light and life within us into our community to spread the hope that is Jesus Christ to the world!!!
P.S. don’t forget that we have multiple community service projects underway including the collection of Beanie Babies for soldiers to distribute in Iraq as well as our ongoing canned food drive to help support local food pantries. We are also preparing several care packages for local soldiers who are stationed overseas in combat areas. If you know of any soldiers in any branch of the military that are stationed in Iraq or Afghanistan please provide us with their mailing information, so that we may add them to our project mailing list. Some items we need for these care packages are as follows: Letters of encouragement, Deodorant, Bath/Body Wash, Wash Cloths, Hand Sanitizer, Nail Clippers, Chapstick, Tooth Brush, Tooth Paste, Combs, Snack Crackers (nabs), Magazines (all types, reading makes the time go by), used DVD’s, Beef Jerky, Baby Wipes, Seasoning Salt, Gatorade Packs, all kinds of Soaps, Razors, and Shaving Cream, and finally all types of Batteries. Feel free to bring any items you wish to contribute to these projects to Lifenites or any Sweet Life Fellowship event. If you need us to pick up your items or have any questions you may contact us via email at or by phone at 336-710-7960. Your help is greatly appreciated, without you these projects would not be possible. God bless each of you and we can’t wait to see you real soon at the next Sweet Life Fellowship event!!!
Love ya’ll,
Darin & Angie
The Sweet Life Fellowship

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