Summer of Love 2009 is going great! We are doing a community outreach monthly, our Game Nights at Cloud 9, had our most successful diaper drive ever, are involved with Habitat for Humanity, are giving to others with our Great Give Away providing for the needs of others, assisted in a benefit for a cancer patient, are feeding the hungry and all while worshiping God with all our heart soul mind and strength and having a great deal of fun! There is so much joy in our lives as a result of our personal relationship with God and our connections with others. It doesn't matter if we are living, loving, laughing, playing or praying together we are accomplishing our goal of Loving God, Loving One Another and Serving our Community! What an awesome God we serve! There is nothing like touching the heart of another with the love of Jesus! To God be the glory!!!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Summer of Love 2009
Summer of Love 2009 is going great! We are doing a community outreach monthly, our Game Nights at Cloud 9, had our most successful diaper drive ever, are involved with Habitat for Humanity, are giving to others with our Great Give Away providing for the needs of others, assisted in a benefit for a cancer patient, are feeding the hungry and all while worshiping God with all our heart soul mind and strength and having a great deal of fun! There is so much joy in our lives as a result of our personal relationship with God and our connections with others. It doesn't matter if we are living, loving, laughing, playing or praying together we are accomplishing our goal of Loving God, Loving One Another and Serving our Community! What an awesome God we serve! There is nothing like touching the heart of another with the love of Jesus! To God be the glory!!!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
“The Great Diaper Drop-Off!”

Hey everyone we just wanted to give you a quick reminder that The Sweet Life Fellowship will be holding “The Great Diaper Drop-Off!” outside of the Mount Airy Wal-mart from 9am-9pm on June 6th. This will be our third diaper drive. In our first two efforts we were able to collect over 7800 diapers and 5000 wipes for Lifeline Pregnancy Center. This drive is being conducted in memory of Kayla Paige Norman, an amazing young lady who lived her life as a shining example of Christ’s love. Kayla boldly participated in our drive last October and helped to collect thousands of diapers that directly benefited families in our community.
“The Kayla Norman Great Diaper Drop-Off!” takes place next Saturday, June 6th. So we need to spread the word as quickly as possible. Please help us to get the message out and help us change the world one diaper at a time. For those who would like to help, you may bring diapers by outside Wal-mart on the 6th or stop by and put an oversized diaper on, shake a baby rattle and help us at the tent for awhile. It’s a lot of fun and an opportunity to live your faith out loud! We will also be collecting monetary donations throughout the day which will be spent at the end of the evening to buy more diapers.
Please help us spread the word about this event. Let your friends, and family know what’s going on and encourage them to spread the word as well. With God all things are possible and when we work together in His name and for His service there is nothing that we cannot accomplish.
Please also share information about this event with your church leadership all help is welcome and greatly appreciated.
Thanks and God bless you,
Darin & Angie Moser
The Sweet Life Fellowship
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Project Connect!
Hello everyone. Just wanted to let you know about a new and exciting outreach called "Project Connect" that The Sweet Life Fellowship will be doing on an ongoing basis within our community. We're going to need your help to make this outreach successful.
If you have any older, used, non-working, or unwanted computers or monitors we would love to have them. We will take your donated computers equip them with educational, Bible study, and family friendly software and begin putting them into the homes of folks who are unable to afford a computer. Through this outreach we hope to illustrate the life changing love that Christ shows by equipping, educating, and empowering our community toward personal and spiritual growth opportunities while also building continuing friendships with those whom we help.
In addition in the months ahead to help bridge the digital learning divide we will be scheduling basic computer training classes periodically as we begin placing computers in homes. We will also begin more in depth classes in a variety of subjects including internet outreach & evangelism, basic web design, e-commerce, and other I.T. related vocational training. These classes will be free and available to all within our community.
Please consider helping us with this outreach. By working together, showing Christ's love, and helping one life at a time we can truly change the world.
You may contact us through email at or via telephone at (336)710-7960.
Thanks and God bless you,
Darin & Angie Moser
The Sweet Life Fellowship
Fireproof - This Friday Night!
Hey, wanted to let everyone know about “The Sweet Life Movie Night” this Friday night, February 13th, at the Moser’s home. The movie begins at 7PM. We will be watching “Fireproof” starring Kirk Cameron. This film is an awesome resource that encourages healthy and Godly principles within marriages. If you’d like to watch the film with us come on out and join us. You can find directions on The Sweet Life Fellowship website located at We will be providing popcorn and ask that everyone bring your favorite movie snack.
Thanks and God Bless You,
The Mosers
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